Vitaya’s distinguished career in journalism began upon his graduation from Thammasat University, where he had majored in English, with his immediate hire as a business journalist for The Nation newspaper.

He was given several special assignments abroad to cover technology and corporate strategy, traveling extensively as a solo journalist to Canada, the United States, and Germany — in addition to earning journalist scholarships and Training-the-Trainer courses in Japan and the Philippines.

He has also written for international trade magazines, corporate content for both fact-based articles and feature stories.

Vitaya earned a Master’s Degree in Media and Management from New School University in New York. He has authored three published books and co-founded a media company.

In the media, he has been known as a strong advocate for LGBT rights and social changes. He hosted TV and radio shows in addition to producing independent movies and has mentored young LGBT groups including Trans for Career Thailand to support transgenders to get a job in the corporate world other than the entertainment and beauty industries.

In 2019, as Social Media Director with a business publication, he led teams to create new projects focusing on online journalism and communications for corporates.

Currently, he lectures and serves as regular guest lecturers at major universities (Thammasat, Chula, Mahidol, Rangsit, and Ramkhamhaeng, on communication and social media content. He also holds lifestyle activities to prepare to write a new book.

Bangkok Rainbow Organization (BR0)

Bangkok Rainbow Organization (BR0)

บางกอกเรนโบว์ (องค์กรสาธารณประโยชน์)

Bangkok Rainbow Organization (BRO) is a community based and driven organization with 5,000 members advocating LGBT equality stop discrimination and promoting health treatment and prevention. BRO was founded in 2002 and currently maintains an its office in Bangkok’s Phaya Thai district, a “red zone” center of high risk MSM activity.

Among BRO’s unique competencies among Thai LGBT organisations are unmatched access to, and credibility with, both mainstream and LGBT community Thai media outlets, a community loyalty program through the Bangkok Rainbow VIP member card scheme, and trusted relationships with local LGBT human right and businesses. BRO is known throughout the gay community for its positive reinforcement of “gay lifestyle” through its many, varied Pride events, social justice and human right event its leading presence in sauna outreach programs and strong relationships with other Thai based NGO’s and government.  Successful past advocacy and capacity building programs include:

Partners with :

  • 10 years of sauna outreach and condom distribution in collaboration with Global Fund and ILO
  • Bangkok Metropolitan Authority (BMA) funded Gay and MSM Community Building Projects (2004-2007)
  • 2007-2008 Host Rainbow Media Awards
  • Coordination of Bangkok Pride events
  • Collaboration with Thailand’s National Human Rights Commission in Sexual and Gender Diversity Rights Advocacy
  • Thailand Rainbow Archive Project, funded by the British Library and the Australian National University
  • Individual Capacity building for young MSM people funded by the Thailand Health Promotion Foundation (2012 – 2014)
  • Collaboration with GFATM (2012 – 2014)
  • Consulting for Gender & Sexuality, Diversity & Inclusion in many university, business and government
  • Word Bank Thailand
  • UNDP
  • UNESCO Bangkok
  • Facebook Thailand
  • Aids Health Care Foundation (Thailand)
  • Aids Health Care Foundation (Global)

Funding :

  • Unesco Bangkok (2002)
  • Thai health promotion foundation (2002-2006)
  • UNAIDS (2012)
  • ILO (2010 – 2012)
  • Australia National University (2012 – 2016)
  • Bangkok Metropolitan Office Aids disease control (2012 – 2021)
  • Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

บางกอกเรนโบว์ (องค์กรสาธารณประโยชน์)
218/16 ซอยประดิพัทธ์ 18 ถนนประดิพัทธ์ แขวงพญาไท กรุงเทพฯ 10400
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